health, kids deodorant, shopping

Top 10 Ideas for Father’s Day

Father’s Day is just around the corner. Your dad does a lot for you throughout the year so make sure you take time to let him know how much you appreciate him and all he does. Unfortunately, dads can be notoriously hard to buy for – almost as hard as convincing a tween with body odor to use safe deodorant for boys or best chemical free deodorant for girls. If you’re struggling with what to get the special man in your life, here are some ideas for all types of dads.

Take Dad Fishing: Ditch the cell phones and electronics and take dad fishing for the day. It’s the perfect way to spend quiet time together catching up on everything that’s been going on or a great excuse to stay quiet and just enjoy being in each other’s company. Grab your fishing pole and head out to your favorite pond, lake, stream or ocean. Be sure to pack a cooler full of snacks and drinks and enjoy the day.

Go Go-Kart Racing: If fishing seems a little tame for your dad’s day, maybe he’d like Go-Kart Racing. Check your local area to see what’s available. In addition to outdoor courses, many cities even have indoor tracks now, making this an activity you could do with dad even if the weather isn’t nice. And with some go-karts reaching speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, this is sure to be an activity that will get your adrenaline going. Check out Groupon on Living Social and you might find a coupon for the activity. Dad will surely appreciate your frugalness.

Play a Game: Is your dad the competitive type or does he just enjoy playing? Go out and enjoy his favorite game with him. Golf, bowling, paintball – whatever it is, the day will certainly be special when you enjoy some time together outside playing something fun.

Spend the Day at the Spa: Maybe your dad spends all of his time on the go and just needs a day to relax and unwind. Schedule a massage at a local spa and then relax together in the steam room afterwards. Or treat dad to a pedicure – who knows, maybe you’ll find a new favorite activity.

Take an Interest in His Interests: Doe your dad love old cars? Guitars? History? Art? Think about what your dad is most interested in and then spend the day visiting a museum, take a factory tour or enjoy a vintage show. There is bound to be a showing or display in your town that he’ll want to visit and the it’ll be even more enjoyable if you’re by his side. Get him to shopping. Don’t forget to pick safe deodorant for teens for yourself!

Go to a Concert: There are lots of great bands and musical artists on tour this summer. Maybe your dad would like the chance to see the Foo Fighters one more time or drink a margarita while listening to Jimmy Buffet. No matter what type of music he likes, any music-loving dad would appreciate getting to go to a concert with his kid. Nobody playing in town on

Father’s Day? Treat him to tickets for a future concert. He’ll love the promise of spending more time with you at a later date.

Take a Class Together: Does your dad love to cook? Maybe he’d enjoy a class on barbequing techniques, making sushi or creating his own pasta. Artistic dads might enjoy a painting or pottery class. Musical ones an instrument workshop. It will mean a lot to him that you took the time to find out about more about something he enjoys doing.

Plan a Party: Is your dad the social type? Plan a party with all the family or invite his best buddies and their families. Buy burgers and hotdogs and ask your guests to bring a side dish or dessert to help feed the crowd. Your dad will love socializing with his pals while showing off to them about what a great kid he has.

Play Like You’re a Child Again: What did you love to do with your dad when you were little? Play catch? Throw the frisbee? Spend the day at the pool together? Think back to your favorite activities with your dad and invite him to spend some time reliving those memories. If he’s a granddad now, those activities will be even more special with his child and grandchild at his side.

Go to the Movies: Several different types of movies are opening the weekend of Father’s Day. The Incredibles 2, a remake of Superfly, a gangster flick, Gotti, and the true story comedy, Tag. If you’d rather not fight with the crowds, pop some popcorn at home spend the day binge-watching movies you haven’t seen or reliving old classics.

Hopefully you’ve found the perfect idea to make your dad’s day special. With a little creativity and some planning, you can make sure your dad has the best Father’s Day ever. But no matter what you do, he’s sure to enjoy it as long as you’re doing something together.

health, kids deodorant, shopping

Check Out These National Holidays

At the beginning of June Summer stretches out before you a blank slate just waiting to be filled with fun and merriment. Fortunately, there are many different holidays in June that just beg to be celebrated.

You’re probably aware of several major holidays in June like Father’s Day and Flag Day but did you also know that June is national Adopt a Cat Month or Aquarium Month? Or that the month is full of quirky national (and international) days? Add these to your list of celebrations this month and you’ll have the best June ever.

Have kids? How about a teenager who has started to have Kids body odor and a not so nice mouth? If you can’t remember the last time you heard (or gave) a compliment, kick off the month the right way with National Say Something Nice Day. Started by South Carolina’s Mayor in 2006, this is definitely a day that we should celebrate year-round but it’s also a great way to motivate your kids to think of nice things to say to friends, family and all the people they meet. Challenge them and yourself to say something nice every day this month.

As if encouraging kindness was not sweet enough, the First Friday in June is National Doughnut Day. Celebrate by making your own or visit your favorite local doughnut shop. Last year doughnut giants like Krispy Kreme and Dunkin’ Donuts celebrated by giving away free doughnuts so check your local paper to see what great deals you can find to help you celebrate.

National Doughnut Day is followed by National Trails Day on the First Saturday in June, which is good because you may need to burn a few extra calories after your National Doughnut Day indulgence. Visit the American Hiking Society ( website to find an event in your area or to join the pledge to leave a trail better than you found it. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the National Trail System, the American Hiking Society is encouraging hikers everywhere to pledge to pick up trash on a trail, join a trail work project or clean up a park.

Hug Your Cat Day on June 4 might be hard to accomplish if you don’t have a cat and might even be hard if you do have one, depending on its mood. But go ahead and give it a try who knows, maybe your cat will hug you back.

On June 6, 1944, the Allied forces fighting in World War II invaded Western Europe in the largest amphibious attack in history resulting in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. Encourage your child to learn a little bit more about this chapter in world history and to remember and thank all the service people who have fought and died for our freedom.

June 6 is also National Drive-In Movie Day in commemoration of the first drive-in movie theater which opening on this date in 1933 in Camden, New Jersey. Once a mainstay of summer activities, drive-in movie theatres might be more difficult to find these days, but you can create your own outside with a wall, white sheet and outdoor projector. Spread some blankets out on the ground and hand out bags of popcorn. If you have really young children, you can always encourage them to drive their Little Tykes cars to the showing.

Best Friends get their very own day on June 8 which also happens to be World Ocean Day. If you’re lucky enough to live by the beach, you could celebrate both but for those landlocked friends there are still plenty of ways to celebrate. Visit the World Oceans Day website ( to find an event near you or take your best friend to a local aquarium.

Grab your camera or cell phone on June 15 and head outdoors for National Nature Photography Day. The North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) created the day in 2006 as a way to encourage people to learn how to and enjoy capturing the beauty of nature through their cameras. NANPA even sponsor a photography contest for professional and amateur nature photographers in honor of the day. For more information and to see last year’s winner, visit their website. (

After honing your nature photography skills, you can try your hand at taking pictures of people on International Picnic Day. Pack a basket full of your favourite lunch and treats, invite some friends and head out to enjoy a picnic on June 18.

June 20 brings another great excuse to get outside because how else would you celebrate American Eagle or National Bald Eagle Day? The Bald Eagle was selected as the nation’s emblem by our founding fathers on June 20, 1782, as a symbol of freedom, courage, strength, spirit and excellence. While it might be difficult to find a bald eagle in the wild where you live, you could visit a zoo or watch a Nat Geo Wild or Nature documentary on these majestic birds.

Surprisingly you are free to celebrate your holiday. Take your kids or teens for shopping and appreciate them getting natural deodorant for boys or gluten free deodorant.

You know your child will want to celebrate National Selfie Day on June 21.

On June 30 head to your closest natural history or science museum to celebrate Meteor Day or check with your local university to see if they have a telescope open for public viewing. You can find information about the night sky and what you’ll be able to see on several different websites including American Meteor Society ( and EarthSky (

No matter what or how you celebrate June this year, have fun and don’t forget to enjoy the first official day of summer on June 21.

health, shopping

Top 10 Ideas for Father’s Day


Father’s Day is just around the corner. Your dad does a lot for you throughout the year so make sure you take time to let him know how much you appreciate him and all he does. Unfortunately, dads can be notoriously hard to buy for – almost as hard as convincing a tween with body odor to use safe deodorant for boys or best chemical free deodorant for girls. If you’re struggling with what to get the special man in your life, here are some ideas for all types of dads.

Take Dad Fishing: Ditch the cell phones and electronics and take dad fishing for the day. It’s the perfect way to spend quiet time together catching up on everything that’s been going on or a great excuse to stay quiet and just enjoy being in each other’s company. Grab your fishing pole and head out to your favorite pond, lake, stream or ocean. Be sure to pack a cooler full of snacks and drinks and enjoy the day.

Go Go-Kart Racing: If fishing seems a little tame for your dad’s day, maybe he’d like Go-Kart Racing. Check your local area to see what’s available. In addition to outdoor courses, many cities even have indoor tracks now, making this an activity you could do with dad even if the weather isn’t nice. And with some go-karts reaching speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, this is sure to be an activity that will get your adrenaline going. Check out Groupon on Living Social and you might find a coupon for the activity. Dad will surely appreciate your frugalness.

Play a Game: Is your dad the competitive type or does he just enjoy playing? Go out and enjoy his favorite game with him. Golf, bowling, paintball – whatever it is, the day will certainly be special when you enjoy some time together outside playing something fun.

Spend the Day at the Spa: Maybe your dad spends all of his time on the go and just needs a day to relax and unwind. Schedule a massage at a local spa and then relax together in the steam room afterwards. Or treat dad to a pedicure – who knows, maybe you’ll find a new favorite activity.

Take an Interest in His Interests: Doe your dad love old cars? Guitars? History? Art? Think about what your dad is most interested in and then spend the day visiting a museum, take a factory tour or enjoy a vintage show. There is bound to be a showing or display in your town that he’ll want to visit and the it’ll be even more enjoyable if you’re by his side. Get him to shopping. Don’t forget to pick safe deodorant for teens for yourself!


Go to a Concert: There are lots of great bands and musical artists on tour this summer. Maybe your dad would like the chance to see the Foo Fighters one more time or drink a margarita while listening to Jimmy Buffet. No matter what type of music he likes, any music-loving dad would appreciate getting to go to a concert with his kid. Nobody playing in town on

Father’s Day? Treat him to tickets for a future concert. He’ll love the promise of spending more time with you at a later date.

Take a Class Together: Does your dad love to cook? Maybe he’d enjoy a class on barbequing techniques, making sushi or creating his own pasta. Artistic dads might enjoy a painting or pottery class. Musical ones an instrument workshop. It will mean a lot to him that you took the time to find out about more about something he enjoys doing.

Plan a Party: Is your dad the social type? Plan a party with all the family or invite his best buddies and their families. Buy burgers and hotdogs and ask your guests to bring a side dish or dessert to help feed the crowd. Your dad will love socializing with his pals while showing off to them about what a great kid he has.

Play Like You’re a Child Again: What did you love to do with your dad when you were little? Play catch? Throw the frisbee? Spend the day at the pool together? Think back to your favorite activities with your dad and invite him to spend some time reliving those memories. If he’s a granddad now, those activities will be even more special with his child and grandchild at his side.


Go to the Movies: Several different types of movies are opening the weekend of Father’s Day. The Incredibles 2, a remake of Superfly, a gangster flick, Gotti, and the true story comedy, Tag. If you’d rather not fight with the crowds, pop some popcorn at home spend the day binge-watching movies you haven’t seen or reliving old classics.

Hopefully you’ve found the perfect idea to make your dad’s day special. With a little creativity and some planning, you can make sure your dad has the best Father’s Day ever. But no matter what you do, he’s sure to enjoy it as long as you’re doing something together.

health, shopping, Uncategorized

Banish the phrase, “I’m Bored”: 10 Ideas to Beat the Summer Boredom Blues

School’s out and the whole summer stretches before you. Time to relax and recharge. Maybe you’ve got a great vacation planned or some short trips to visit family and friends. Perhaps your child already has some camps and classes lined up for the summer ahead but no matter how many activities you already have planned, chances are at some point you’ll hear those awful words, “I’m bored.” Instead of giving in to electronics or a day of binge watching their favorite show, encourage your child to try something new.

Fresh Kidz, makers of safe, chemical free deodorant for kids and best chemical free deodorant for girls, has a list of 10 great ideas based on some of our favorite past summer activities.

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Form a bowling league — whether they form a league with a group of friends who meet up every week or just go occasionally with friends and family, bowling is great exercise for kids with the added bonus of being indoors so you don’t have to worry about the weather. Bowling can build muscles and exercise your legs and arms. If kids do want to form a league with some friends and set up a regular time to get together to play, make it even more fun by getting them all matching shirts. There are even programs all across the country that give kids free bowling admission.

Learn to cook — whether they take a class, camp, or consult a cookbook, cooking is a great life-skill for kids to learn. Let them pick out a few recipes to try each week. You can suggest they start with breakfast foods or appetizers and then work their way through the menu to desserts. Kids love looking for recipes and you can continue the life-skill leaning by having them make the grocery list themselves and find the items at the grocery store. Once they are confident about their cooking skills, give them challenges like making a meal for under $10. By the end of the summer you may be able to quit cooking dinner every night yourself.


Rock Kindness Spread some love, kindness, and inspiration in your neighborhood and let your child express his or her creativity by joining The Kindness Rocks Project. Find some flat, smooth rocks or purchase a few at a local craft store or garden center, paint an inspirational message or artwork on the rock and include #thekindessrocksproject to the back so they can follow their rock’s journey, and then have them hide it in a local park or area for someone to find. Be sure to tell them to steer clear of areas that will be mowed!

Skate the day away — whether they choose ice-skating, roller-skating, or roller blading, skating is a great way to get in some exercise and have fun. Find a nice paved path and they can enjoy some time outside while they roller blade or go for the air conditioned comfort or your local skating rink for the perfect way to wile away the day.

Call a relative — it can be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or cousin — no matter who you child picks, the person who answers the phone is sure to be thrilled to hear from them. If they don’t get an answer on the first try, encourage them to keep calling until they reach someone — bonus points if they haven’t talked to them in a while and texting does not count. If it’s an older relative suggest your son or daughter ask them how they used to spend their summer vacations.


Gaze at the stars — if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere without a lot of light pollution, your child can take a blanket to your backyard and look up at the night sky. There are even apps that will help you identify the constellations up above. This summer in mid June, Saturn will be brighter than any other time of year and visible all night long. The end of July will bring the Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower as well as the best viewing of Mercury. And in August there will be a partial lunar eclipse and the Perseids Meteor Shower. Often local universities and museums will set up telescopes for the public to come see special astronomy events.

Keep a daily journal — even if you child only writes a few sentences about what they did (or did not) or wanted to do that day, they’ll have a great reminder of Summer 2017. If they write a bit more about their feelings and thoughts, they’ll find years from now that they have a perfect memento that they’ll come to treasure.

Read a good book (to someone else) encourage your son or daughter to read a book to a younger brother or sister or some young neighborhood kids. They could start a reading club and spend an afternoon each week reading books to the younger children. Maybe throw in a craft that goes along with the book.

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Try a new game — summer is the perfect time to try something new. Croquet, frisbee golf, badminton — have your child do some research to find a game they’ve never played before and then help them try it out. They may find a new favorite. Or if outdoors games aren’t their thing, suggest that they try playing a new board game or learning a card game like bridge or rummy.

Knit a scarf it may be warm outside but they can get ready for cooler weather by knitting a scarf for themselves or someone else. Many craft stores offer classes to get you stared and some cities even have knitting stores to guide you in the right direction. If you don’t have either of those in your town, have your child check out a book from your local library or look for an online class.


Fresh Kidz all natural deodorant for teens and tweens can help your child stay fresh all summer long and  Kids body odor is no longer an issue, no matter what they’re doing. Our full line of deodorants and body wash for boys and girls is chemical free, aluminum free, and safe for all kids.

Enjoy your summer and stay fresh.




Holiday Movie Nights to Delight Your Teen

By the time they’re 11, most kids have probably had their fill of A Charlie Brown Christmas and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and hopefully when you tell them to, “just put one foot in front of the other,” they think fondly of Santa Claus is Coming to Town. You’ve done your job in teaching them the holiday classic cartoons and television specials from your childhood, now it’s time to introduce them to some classic movies. This also give you the opportunity for a great bonding night with you son or daughter and could help them win a trivia night somewhere down the road.

There are some many changes that tweens and teens are going through in their life with their kids body odor, hormones and moods. Their attitude toward the holidays may be changing ad they may think they don’t want to spend as much time with their family. A movie night is a great way to have everyone slow down during the holidays and enjoy time together. So pop some popcorn, grab your favorite blankets, aluminum free kids deodorant and pick one of these classics to entertain you and your child this holiday season.

It’s a Wonderful Life


If you don’t know what happens every time a bell rings, then you need to watch this movie. Released in 1945 and starting James Stewart and Donna Reed, this holiday classic follows George Bailey as he revisits flashbacks from his life thanks to a guardian angel sent to him on Christmas Eve. Through the flashbacks George sees how his actions have touched and improved the lives of those around him. It’s a Wonderful Life consistently shows up on the lists for the most critically acclaimed films ever made and was nominated for five Academy Awards and has been recognized as one of the 100 best American films ever made.

A Christmas Carol


There have been about 20 film adaptations of this Charles Dickens’ classic from a silent version in 1901 to an animated Mickey Mouse version and the beloved The Muppet Christmas Carol with Kermit the Frog as Bob Cratchit, Miss Piggy as Mrs. Cratchit and Gonzo as Charles Dickens. The most recent one to be released was in 2009 starring Jim Carrey as Ebenezer Scrooge and all three ghosts. No matter which version you pick, this is a great movie and story for kids of all ages to be familiar with and to help remind them of the true value of being kind to others, picking best Vegan deodorant for kids and the real meaning of Christmas.

Miracle on 34th Street


Starring a young Natalie Wood, Miracle on 34th Street centers around a Macy’s Santa in New York City that seems to be the real thing to one little girl. Eventually Santa is put on trial to determine if he is the real one. Miracle on 34th Street won Academy Awards for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Writing, Original Story and Best Writing, Screenplay.

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation


The third movie in the National Lampoon series, the film stars Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold and Beverly D’Angelo as his wife Ellen. When both sets of in-laws show up to spend Christmas with the family, their bickering quickly puts a damper on the holiday mood but Griswold is determined to have a fun old-fashioned Christmas and covers the house with 25,000 twinkle lights. While this may be the norm for people now at the time Griswold’s decorations were over-the-top. If you need a great laugh at the excess of the holidays this movie is the one for you.

The Santa Clause


The first of a trilogy and arguably the best in the series The Santa Clause introduces Tim Allen as Scott Calvin, an everyday guy who accidentally causes Santa Claus to fall from his roof on Christmas Eve thus invoking the “Santa Clause” that he must continue the jolly old man’s deliveries. Afterwards he finds out that he is now the new Father Christmas.

A Christmas Story


Even teens can relate to nine-year-old Ralphie Parker’s all-encompassing desire for a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air riffle. Alas everyone Ralphie asks, including Santa, tells him no because, “you’ll shoot your eye out, kid.” This movie will also introduce you kid to leg lamps and the hazard of licking a cold flagpole.

The Nightmare before Christmas


The rare movie that could be watched at Halloween or Christmas, The Nightmare Before Christmas tells the story of Jack Skellington, a resident of Halloween Town, who wants to spread joy instead of fear. Jack finds the portal to Christmas Town and decides to help the citizens there celebrate the holiday with some unexpected consequences. Pick chemical free deodorant for girls before watching movie for full excitement!



This 2003 classic starring Will Ferrell was so poplar that it inspired a Broadway musical and an animated television special. Buddy grows up at the North Pole believing he is an elf but soon his size and inability to perform basic elf tasks give him away as a human. Once he learns the truth about his adoption, Buddy travels to New York City to discover his real family spreading joy along the way despite the cynicism of the people he meets.

White Christmas


This 1954 musical romantic comedy stars Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney. It’s a great introduction to the clothes, best deodorant for boys, customs, dancing and music of the time. It features songs by Irving Berlin, important for everyone to know, including the title track, White Christmas, which won an Oscar for Best Original Song.

No matter what your choice of holiday viewing this season it is a great time to bond with your child and develop new holiday traditions. You could even let them invite friends over for a holiday movie binge watching night. As children enter their teen years there are so many changes that we can’t control like new body odors, my son has body odor, emotions and interests. Movie nights are one way to have an excuse to snuggle up and hold them close for a little bit longer.